Except for emergencies, traffic in and out of Camp Balboa and Council Headquarters will be limited to
7:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
Upon arrival and prior to going to your campsite, check in with the Camp Ranger or Campmaster
located in Baden-Powell Lodge. To accommodate the maximum number of campers and/or make emergency repairs
in a campsite, your campsite may have to be changed.
In the Rangers absence, the Campmaster is the official in charge and represents the Scout Executive at
camp. Your cooperation with these Scouters, and your compliance with their directions are of the utmost
The group leader is responsible to familiarize the entire group with these camp regulations and to make
sure that they are implemented.
The Camp Balboa gate will be closed at 10:00 PM each night and opened at 7:00 AM each morning while
camp is being used. Anyone not remaining overnight must adjust to this gate schedule. In case of an
emergency contact the Ranger or Campmaster in Baden-Powell Lodge.
You, the Adult Leaders are responsible for the actions of all members in your group.
There must be two-deep adult leadership/supervision at all times. An individual or group of youth
campers cannot be left at any time without supervision. (At least one leader must be YPG Trained - BSA
units encourage the Buddy system)
All users of this camp, regardless of the duration or magnitude of your program, will insure your trash
is removed to the dumpster in the parking lot. Failure to do so will result in your unit being billed or
money deducted from your security deposit.
All users of this facility, to receive security deposit return, must check in and out of the
All vehicles shall be parked in designed parking areas inside the camp gate.
While At Camp Balboa
The environmental impact and care of the camp is a serious subject we all must address as we
enjoy our outdoor experience.
The following guidelines will assist us in causing a minimal effect on our resources and the camp.
Burning of campfires in designate fire rings only and kept to a maximum of 12" high.
No burning of trash, garbage, cans, paper, etc; - Burn wood only.
No matches, lighters, fire starters, etc. to be taken into the canyon area.
Garbage to be placed in trash cans, not buried or thrown on the ground.
Dishes are not to be washed in bathrooms or at drinking fountains. (Use Scout way)
Live trees and bushes are not to be cut, climbed in, or have heavy items tied to.
Lawn games and events to be planned and monitored so as to not be done excessively
Camp tables should not be moved without Rangers permission.
Assure faucets are turned off completely, use water only as needed, showers (pools) limited to 5
Check campsite area for any problems and inform the Campmaster of broken or missing materials.
Check with Campmaster for any assistance needed to make your weekend successful and enjoyable.
Parking lot, maintenance area, and area around headquarters office buildings are off limits unless
accompanied by unit leader.
Liquid fuel stoves, lanterns, and campfires must have adult supervision.
Units must remain in their campsite and maintain quiet after 10:00 PM.
No firearms, Pets, or Alcohol allowed in camp. Radios, electronic games, and tape recorders are not
camping equipment and should be left at home or in the parking lot.
Respect other campers, do not cross other campsites.
The following infractions can cause your units loss of council camping privilege:
VERBAL HARASSMENT of Girl Scouts or Girl Scout Leaders.
THROWING OF ANY OBJECTS into the Girl Scout camp.
CLIMBING FENCE between Boy Scout camp and Girl Scout camp.
TRESPASSING on Girl Scout property.
BREAKING of tree limb or bushes.
VANDALISM of San Diego-Imperial Council, Camp Balboa or any property left in its care.
There are absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS to these rules. If any violations to the above are reported, the entire
unit will be asked to leave camp with a report submitted to the Council Executive.
It is unfortunate that such rules must be made in a Scout Camp, however the San Diego-Imperial Council is
determined to maintain a peaceful relationship with our Girl Scout and Community neighbors. Your cooperation
and Scout like leadership will create a pleasant, enjoyable campout.
Camp Balboa Weekends
Make your Campsite Reservation at the Council Service Center Camping
Department, 619.298.6121 x246, two weeks in advance
Check in at Baden-Powell Lodge with Camp Staff (copy of reservation form required)
Set up your campsite
One leader attend weekend planning meeting at 9:00 PM Friday night in Baden-Powell Lodge
We are here to help your unit have a successful outdoor experience. "IF YOU DON'T KNOW ASK", "IF YOU