Cub Scout / Webelos Camping

The San Diego-Imperial Council's age-appropriate Cub Scout camping programs are packed with theme-oriented action that brings Lions, Tigers, Cubs and Webelos Scouts into the great outdoors! We offer a wide range of camping opportunities, from overnighters to extended resident camps.

  • Day Camp is a week-long program that comes to the youth in their neighborhood. Our districts offer these fun-filled camps in parks across San Diego and Imperial Counties.
  • Resident Camp is a four-day overnight experience held at our own Mataguay Scout Ranch. During resident camp, Webelos enjoy theme-based adventure and excitement, while working on rank advencement, belt loops and pins.
  • Family Camping is where Cub Scout Scout pack families enjoy camping in local council camps and other council-approved campsites.

Camping programs combine fun and excitement while doing one's best, getting along with others and developing an appreciation for ecology and the world of the outdoors.