Campwide Improvements and Enhancements

The Aquisition of Buffer Lands

In accordance with the Council's Long-Range Strategic Plan, we will continue to pursue the donation, purchase or exchange or properties surrounding the Mataguay Scout Ranch. These properties will provide a buffer zone around Mataguay, ensuring potential future development does not encroach upon or effect this special place.

Camp Signage

Attractive new signage will welcome visitors to the Ranch and direct them to destinations throughout the property. New, color-coded signs will be used to identify all aspects of the Scout ranch, from trailheads and campsites to buildings and road markers.

Proper Donor Recognition

Naming of buildings and facilities shall be the sole responsibility of the Executive Board or Executive Committee upon recommendation of the Properties Committee. The goal is to ensure that all donors and supporters, past, present and future, are properly recognized for their dedication to the Scouting program.

A distinctive flag plaza at the Welcome Center (A-frame) will serve as a tasteful recognition location for all new contributors (past and present), even for sponsored items that no longer exist (burned out chapel, etc). We will work diligently to honor those who have made and will make a last legacy at Mataguay.

Roadways, Traffic Flow and Parking Plan

The Properties Committee will examine road conditions throughout the camp and propose short and long term improvements. Long term improvements could include repaving of all or parts of the existing roadways, as well as the creation of new vehicle thoroughfares.

A routine maintenance program and schedule will be established to evaluate and repair roadways. Repairs to potholes will be made on a regular basis by the Mataguay Ranger staff and the Facilities Committee.

Looping roadways, turn around areas and potential new roads will be designed to ensure a smooth flow of vehicle traffic through the Ranch. These will be combined with parking areas to best support anticipated vehicle use.

All roadway construction, repair and maintenance will be performed in accordance with best methods, and designed to minimize the impact upon the camp's rustic appearance, its campsites and program areas, while preserving its natural resources. Road repair will be scheduled to avoid high use periods (summer camp, family camps, zone camporees, etc).

The current main parking lot, located at Indian Rock, will be improved to best serve the anticipated increase in campers. Possible improvements could include widening of the parking lot, the addition of shade trees and/or structures, and a footbridge and improved trail linking the parking lot to the heart of Parker Scout Camp. Additional overflow parking lots may be established in and around Parker Scout Camp to accommodate increased camper load.

A small parking area will be established near the barn / equestrian center to serve campers and day users. Current parking areas under trees will be eliminated to allow for revegetation.

The existing parking areas surrounding the retreat center will be evaluated and recommendations for changes / improvements made to best accommodate future users.

Water System

A team of water experts has been formed to determine the best ways to increase our water capacity and fire fighting capability. They will work to simplify and automate the system and ensure the long-haul protection and preservation of the camp-wide potable water system. A routine maintenance program and schedule will be established. Wells, reservoirs and pumps will be inspected on a regular basis and repaired / replaced as required.

Lake, Waterway and Creek Preservation

As part of the Mataguay conservation plan, waterway experts will be consulted to ensure the long-term health and preservation of Mataguay's lakes, waterways and creek systems.

To ensure proper health of the main creek and Lake Dan Henry, a standard operating procedure and schedule will be established for maintenance of the check dam collection pond. To prevent erosion, a series of gabions will be built upstream of the check dam and maintained on a regular basis.

Underground Utilities

To enhance the beauty of Mataguay and ensure camper safety, utilities (including electrical wires, telephone lines and water conduits) will be placed underground whenever possible.

Trash Maintenance and Removal

Following best methods, a plan will be established to properly collect, store and dispose of trash throughout the Ranch. This plan will be designed to minimize impact upon campers and the Ranch's natural resources.

Staff trash collection within Parker Scout Camp during summer camp will be scheduled when campers are away from their campsites (lunch and dinner periods). Main trash collection and removal areas will be located away from camp so that trash trucks do not drive on roads in campsites.

Master Plan Details …