The San Diego-Imperial Council serves over 7,200 youth in the San Diego and Imperial Counties. A budget
of over $2.4 million provides the facilities, support materials, programs, activities and leadership for the
local Scouting community. The Friends of Scouting Campaign (or annual campaign) focuses on raising a
significant portion of this budget. The campaign is planned, directed, and conducted by volunteers. Each
volunteer team has a council professional advisor to assist with information, training and supplies to
conduct the campaign.
The campaign is broken up into three sub campaigns:
Family Campaign - the campaign that gives families who participate in Scouting the opportunity to
support. Funds are raised through presentations made by volunteers to families of Scouts at a special unit
event such as a Blue & Gold Banquet or Court of Honor.
Community Campaign - the campaign that gives local businesses and community leaders in the district the
opportunity to support Scouting; often times a community campaign has a breakfast or lunch event in the
district where local business and community leaders are invited to support Scouting.
Board of Directors and Major Gifts - the campaign includes donations from the Council Board of
Directors, their friends and business associates. This campaign includes donations from large to mid-size
companies and significant individual gifts often renewed annually.
Thank You for your Support of the Friends of Scouting Campaign!