Welcome to Recharter Resource page. Below are resources to help you and your unit through the recharter process. For information on the Membership Registration/Renewal Resources, Click Here.
*This video is for demonstration purposes, please consult the Recharter Guidebook for up-to-date rechartering instructions.
Video Link - https://vimeo.com/745174402
Video Timestamps
00:30 | Topics to cover |
00:53 | Login into the Internet Advancement tool |
1:34 | Clicking the recharter button |
2:20 | Revier unit roster |
3:15 | Position changes |
4:00 | Multiple positions within the same unit |
4:30 | Adding new members |
6:56 | Adding existing members |
7:16 | Invite new members |
8:27 | Multiplying members from another unit |
9:06 | Removing members |
9:49 | Promoting members |
10:38 | Scout Life magazine |
11:01 | Amount of registration fee showing in the system explained |
11:19 | Review roster |
11:37 | Validate and pay |
12:21 | Proceed to payment |
14:26 | Resources link |
Use this chart to ensure your unit is filling all the required positions for this upcoming recharter season.
Visit this helpdesk for additional questions and timely assistance.
The recharter demo tool, or "Sandbox", is a tool commissioners and Unit Leaders can use to practice the recharter process before beginning the actual process.
The Boy Scouts of America requires Youth Protection training (YPT) for all volunteers. The purpose of this policy is to increase awareness of this societal problem and to create even greater barriers to abuse than already exist in Scouting. If a volunteer's YPT record is not current at the time of charter renewal, the volunteer will not be re-registered.
The Journey to Execellence Scorecards are used to measure your unit's performance throughout the Scouting year. The unit appropriate scorecard for the current year may be included as part of your recharter package or submitted separately before the end of the calendar year.
Packs are encouraged to be active when school is out for the summer, by doing one activity per month in June, July, and August, or during other school vacations if your pack is in a year-round school. This award is part of the requirements for Journey to Excellence.