Welcome New Scouting Parents/Leaders

Being a volunteer in Scouting is rewarding, both to the adult and the youth being served. Thank you for taking the time to be a part of a child's life.

You probably have many questions about what you are supposed to do in your new role. You're not alone. The seasoned parents in your unit can offer you much guidance and support. The websites for the San Diego-Imperial Council, your district and perhaps your unit have a wealth of information to assist you in your role as a Scouting volunteer.

Program Specific Welcome Information

Scouting is divided into different programs - Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouting. Each program focuses on youth at different ages, with age appropriate activities and advancement.

To help you get started in your new role, the San Diego-Imperial Council has prepared program-specific material for you. Click on one of the links below to get started.

Cub Scouts

Grades 1-5
Ages 7-10

Scouts BSA

10 & finished grade 5
Ages 11-17


Ages 14-20

Sea Scouting

Ages 14-20


The San Diego-Imperial Council periodically sends out, via email, an electronic newsletter. It contains announcements for such things as updates about the council, Scout Shop specials and information about upcoming activities.

To keep up to date with the latest council news, CLICK HERE.