The Basic training schedule includes information about online and instructor-led courses. Courses completed by any combination of these two methods of instruction can qualify a Scout leader as trained. All adult leaders must take Youth Protection Training every two years which is offered online. Additional courses to become trained which are listed here may be chosen by the individual Scout leader to suit his/her personal schedule.
Cub Scouting
Scouts BSA
Sea Scouts
Charter Organization Representative
Other Adult Leader
This course will give an overview of Scouting and discuss the roles and responsibilities of organizations that sponsor Boy Scout units of any level.
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
National BSA approved Cub Scout Leader Training for all Cub Scout leader roles. Combines Cubmaster Specific (C40), ALL Den Leader Specific (C42), Pack Committee (C60) & Pack Trainer (C62) courses. Required for Cubmasters/Assistant Cubmasters, Den Leaders/Assistant Den Leaders & Committee members to be fully trained.
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
National BSA approved Scouts BSA Leader Training for all Scouts BSA leader roles. Combines Scoutmaster Specific (S24), Troop Committee (WS10) and Merit Badge Counselor (D76) courses. Required for Scoutmasters/Assistant Scoutmasters, Committee Chair/members and Merit Badge Counselors to be fully trained.
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
This training session will provide an introduction to the responsibilities, opportunities, and resources that will ensure a successful Venturing crew leadership experience. Courses included are Venturing Position Specific (P21) and Crew/Ship Committee Challenge (WS12).
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
This course is required for new commissioners. Learn all the tools for becoming an effective unit commissioner.
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
Esta es la versión en español del curso que les proporcionará a los Cubmasters la información y las herramientas que se necesitan para guiar con éxito un Pack de Cub Scout.
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
Esta es la versión en español del curso que les proporcionará a los líderes del den la información y las herramientas que se necesitan para guiar con éxito un Pack de Cub Scout.
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
This training module presents safety precautions for eight different types of weather, as well as planning, preparation, and traditional weather signs. Effective April 30, 2018 new direct contact leaders must complete Hazardous Weather Training to be considered position trained. Valid for two years.
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
Always | Online |
Working as patrols, this hands-on course provides adult leaders the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the out-of-doors. Upon completion, leaders should feel comfortable teaching Scouts the basic skills required to obtain the First Class rank.
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
Committee members learn and identify their roles and responsibilities in this course which is required for all committee members. Can also be taken as part of the Combined Cub Leader Specific Training Course.
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
Always | Online |
Esta es la versión en español del curso que les proporcionará a los miembros del comité del pack la información y las herramientas que se necesitan para guiar con éxito un Pack de Cub Scout.
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
This course acquaints the Roundtable team with the aims, principles and specifics of their roles and responsibilities, and assists the team in developing the methods and techniques necessary to present materials and teach skills at Roundtable in an interesting way.
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
This course is the first step in training for all Sea Scout leaders focusing on the skills and attributes necessary to be an effective advisor in the Ship's deliverance of service to youth.
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
Committee members learn and identify their roles and responsibilities in this course which is required for all committee members. Can also be taken as part of the Combined Scouts BSA Specific Training Course.
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
Always | Online |
This course is intended to be taken by unit commissioners immediately following the acceptance of their new role.
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
Always | Online |
Youth Protection training is designed to help you keep our youth safe from abuse. The course reviews the Boy Scouts of America's Youth Protection Guidelines, signs of abuse and how to report suspected abuse. This training is required of all adult leaders. Valid for two years.
Date(s) | Location | Registration |
Always | Online | English OR Español More Information |
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